What can we help you with today?
- What is Active&Fit?
- What kind of care is available for college students?
- How do I change my address?
- How do I use Cost Estimator?
- How do I create a member account?
- How do I use Find a Doctor?
- Where can I find member forms?
- How can I go paperless?
- What is a health savings account?
- What does in network mean?
- How do I order a member ID card?
- What does out of network mean?
- What are preventive care guidelines?
- What is preventive care?
- What is prior authorization?
- What is third party liability (TPL)?
- How do I change my PCP?
Find or change my doctor
Find the right doctor for your needs.
Pay my bill
Pay your premium by credit card, debit card, or bank account.
What's covered by my plan
Log in to review your plan documents.
See the cost of care
Log in to check procedure and prescription costs.
Find member forms
Where to download member forms.
Award-winning customer service
We are honored to be included on the 2024 Newsweek and Statista America's Best Customer Service award list
Your personalized plan information anywhere, anytime
With the Priority Health member app
Managing your health plan is easier than ever with Priority Health. With the Priority Health app, you can quickly and easily track your spending balances, search your claims, find in-network doctors, and more. Sign up and download our app to view your personalized information anytime, anywhere-all in one place.
Get more from your health plan
Sign up for a Priority Health member account to access tools and resources that help you save money and keep you healthy.
Get rewarded for managing
your health
Get rewards for staying healthy by participating in wellness programs and health assessments
Know the cost of care before
get it
Compare costs of procedures, services, and prescriptions based on your plan
Mental health support
You have access to Teladoc Health Mental Health, a tool to help with stress, depression, sleep and more
Teladoc Health Mental Health