Provider news & education
News about our plans, authorizations, coding, billing, formularies and more.
Recent news
November 6: Get our fall Physician and practice news digest and our Medicare/Medicaid Quality newsletter
November 6: Register now to learn about our January 1 formulary changes on November 21
November 1: 2025 commercial fee schedules are available online
October 31: Commercial, individual and Medicare formulary changes coming Jan. 1, 2025
October 31: A look at our 2025 Disease Burden Management Program
October 31: New Medicare Prescription Payment Plan coming Jan. 1, 2025
October 31: 2025 Product Guide for Providers is now available
October 30: Extending support during IV fluid shortage through Dec. 1
October 30: TurningPoint authorizations: Resources & information to support you
October 29: Reminder: Our technical denials policy, submit outstanding medical record requests by Dec. 29
October 28: IV fluid shortage: Temporarily allowing subcutaneous administration
October 24: Understanding disallow code OX6 on your remittance advice